Saturday, September 17, 2011

Museum of Motherhood opens in NYC!

Photo courtesy of Amy Gates at
Check out her awesome blog!

Edith Evans and Aphra Behn did a short performance last night for the opening of the Museum of Motherhood (401 East 84th St in NYC). We asked everyone we knew what they would put in a museum of motherhood:

I would put a stopwatch in a museum of motherhood. The first five years feel like 20, and the next 20 feel like five. From a mother for 22 years named Martha

I would put a video that records the daily, quotidian tasks of mothering and just put in on a loop. My experience with mothering has been that often after hours of juggling mundane tasks, the most unbelievable joy that you never imagined surfaces, and you just hold it and are so incredibly satisfied. - From a mother for 6 years named Ripeheart

I would put something strong like a rock. Something soft like a flower. A piece of baroque music and a statue of the blessed mother who would keep it all in focus because she is the mother of us all. - We are all mothers for anyone we care for so this is from someone who’s been a mother from the age of 10 named Eve.

I would put Laughter, Strength, Joy, Intelligence, and Significance. - From a mother for 29 years, 2 months and a pregnancy of 9 months – Diane

I would put a "book report diorama". A bottle of childrens motrin. Chicken Nuggets. Coupons from babyGap, Childrens Place and Gymboree and the book: "healthy sleep, happy baby". - From a mother of 11 years named Robyn

I would put in a rollercoaster, both exciting and scary at the same time. - From Marionna

I would put a tantrum, a diaper, and the first real conversation you have with your child because those moments disappear so quickly. - From a mom for 7 years who didn't know she needed a boy.

I would put a box of tissues because a mother needs tissues to wipe the tears of joy from her eyes at the happiness a child gives to you; To wipe the nose of her child when they are sick and to wipe away your sniffles when your child finds a significant other who now becomes the most important person on the earth to them. From a mother for 44 and 1/2 years named Mrs. Fitz

I would put photos that people take of their children - not professional photos - snapshots by parents - how they see their children and what they choose to capture of them. - From a mom for 21 years named Maryanne

I would put a bronze bust of my bust because it is an ever-evolving place of food, sleep, aid, comfort and hugs. My chest has become home base. - From a mom for 5 and 3/4 years named Terri

I would put a special hearing aid that puts interruptions in cogent order. A vending machine to dispense items to children as NEEDED (not desired). An extra brain in a jar that could be sutured to my left shoulder in times of high demand (that would be waking hours). A periscope with a Google Earth camera at the end of it so I can see where my kids are at all times. And a large red sign that attaches to the shoulders and continuously flashes the word NO in bright red (that is my default answer to almost every question). The alternate words on the flashing sign woud be "can you justify that request?" - From a lesbian step mom for 29 year and a 'moms' (because that is how our oldest addresses us) for 13 years named mamalamadingdong

I would put diagram of a woman being pulled in a million directions. - From a mom named Rizz

I would put the earth itself in honor of the feminine body because we are all born, from her, equally. - From a Mom named gash girl

I would put my own mother because she is incredible. - From a mother for 30 years named Katie

I would put a bar where they served free drinks to Moms at all times. - From a mom named Georgina

I would put the idea that it never ends. - From a mom for 35 years named Jean

I would put an aunt. Aunts are important. I love being a mother but being an aunt by relation or by choice is awesome. I had some crazy southern aunts who supported me and gave me perspective that my mother sometimes didn't have. Aunts do some important mothering as well. - From a mother named Martha

I would put pictures my kids made in kindergarten. At that time their concept of family was the same as their concept of love. - From a motehr for 18 years named Maria

I would put a special sort of sleeping area where mothers could sleep without interruption, perhaps a special headset would play tapes allowing them to believe that all is well with their children. Also an area where teenagers can sleep through their teen years and awake, like sleeping beauties on their 21st birthdays, fully ready to participate in life, having slept through those traumatic teen years safely. - From a mother for 39 years named sleepless

I would put letters from my son and a shawl he bought me in India. - from a mother for 19 years named Eva

I would put a clock because I am always racing against it, lagging behind, checking milestones, not having enough of it. Or a big role of electrical tape for the mouth of those perfect strangers with unsolicited advice/ criticisms. And if you wanted something more sentimental a video of my daughter running toward the viewer with that amazing smile ready to give you her hardest embrace. - from a mother for 13 and 1/2 years named Stella

For more info on the museum of motherhood go to

Monday, September 12, 2011


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