Monday, February 2, 2009

A Knee Jerk Feminist reaction

The film "Silent Light" diminishes the value of women in society.
The film "Silent Light" uses "God's" predestined order of life to allow a man to disregard his conscious and his responsibility to his wife and his family.
The film "Silent Life" justifies a man's decision to be a passive coward.

Upon further (positive) reflection and meditation....The film "Silent Light" allows an unfaithful husband to compliment his wife's ability to make good soap. Soap. Yes, soap. The film "Silent Light" allows that woman to stare blankly back and speechless at her husband after receiving the soap compliment. The film "Silent Light" ends with a scene which reminded me of "Jurassic Park" at least putting the behavior in the context of a time in which it may have been seen as more acceptable.

Hoping to see a sequel in which the women of the film "Silent Light" crawl out the back window into a life in which they are fully valued (spoiler alert - without having to die first truly or metaphorically).

Have a lovely evening - Edith Evans

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter._Martin Luther King, Jr.
© 2008

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