Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Tale of a Guerilla Girl Now “Un/Masked”

Many know the Guerilla Girls because of their work in the visual arts. They have a contingent dedicated to theater, too, led in part by Aphra Behn — in reality, playwright Donna Kaz. Her memoir, Un/Masked: Memoirs of a Guerilla Girl on Tour is about her journey with, and among, the gorilla-masked gender-parity advocates. Kaz and I spoke recently about the book (available now), her work for the theater, and gender-parity advocacy. The selected quotes in this article are from Kaz’s book with her permission.

"When you fight against something and see very little change it is easy to question whether you are doing any good. As Aphra Behn I sweat and grunt and put in hours of time to provoke the start of a dialogue about sexism in theatre within the theatre community. I hear very little discussion and see almost no change. Of course, change happens slowly, but with my own career to pursue, I question why I am wasting energy fighting something no one else in theatre seems to care about. The silence and same old, same old begins to take a toll on me. Suddenly, feminism is the “f” word, the entire movement is questioned, the past achievements regarded as no longer valid to women today."


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